As planned by the committee members for the first picnic for the April-June term, the event preparations began by preparing a list to sensitize the YCS members to get ready for the great event. Moses Epale chaired the picnic committee, and the other committee members were Nancy Mutwii, John Isidore, Ben Muchui, and Mercy Kakai. One week, the members took time to fill out the list circulated on the two WhatsApp walls. It was just a few days after the initial opening mass on the 17th of April, celebrated by Father John, who gave a powerful sermon on Jesus as the most outstanding teacher of God’s word and law, commonly known as “Rabbi.”
Members attending that picnic met in school on April 22 at 10 am and began heading to Arboretum at around 11 am. It was with much anxiety and huge expectations embracing the day with fun activities and getting YCS members to interact at various levels during the picnic. Most people who love team building and hiking anticipate hyper moments of most incredible fun. The picnic day was full of God’s blessing, and took another course as had been expected by most people. Rain surrounded the entire journey to Arboretum; luckily, we knew it happened almost in the whole country. During this planting season, rain would be of great significance to supporting our rich agricultural heritage.
The alternative was to return to school after many considerations to fulfill the mission created for the day. During the return journey, we had sumptuous lunch at a familiar comrade’s luncheon called “Klabu,” a famous place at the University of Nairobi which houses hundreds of eateries. The members had a great experience at the site and ordered various meals that most students would order for lunch, including ugali nyama and saucer. The eatery reminded most of us of the memories of the beautiful Z-block, which got demolished a few years back.
The final stretch of the day landed us at the Technical University compound, where we played the fun games, we intended to do while in Arboretum. Steve, a great senior student in the YCS family, led the picnic session. He led in the introduction part, where every member introduced themselves in terms of name, course, and year of study, and helped coordinate the rest of the event picnic games. The following event activities can only be vividly elaborated in this story if one sees such funny games being conducted. I encourage you to catch up with our next picnic, which will usher new members, “Freshers” to the YCS family at the end of July this year.
By Epale YCS moderator